Danessa Aldrich

  NAME.  Danessa Aldrich
  ALIASES.  Danessa
  AGE.  26
  SPECIES.  Viera
  GENDER.  She/Her
  LOCATION.  Somewhere in Eorzea hopefully
  OCCUPATION.  A little bit of this and that

"Morning! It's only a good morning if I'm fishing."


  TEMPERAMENT.  Friendly and outgoing
  LIKES.  Fishing, Helping others
  DISLIKES.  Looking in her gil purse


  HEIGHT.  183.3cm
  HAIR.  Blonde
  EYES.  Light Blue
  BODY TYPE.  Slightly muscular and slender.

history & more

Danessa doesn't remember much about her youth as she woke up one day on the pier of Limsa Lominsa and can't seem to recall anything before that. Starting out with only the clothes on her back and the knowledge of her name she thought it would be best to look for some work in the new town she awoke in.Since her arrival in Limsa Lominsa she has taken up whatever odd job has come her way finding that she is able to grasp the basics of just about anything, but has difficulties when it comes to anything more advanced. At first she was pretty depressed in this unfamiliar land, but as she completed more jobs from the citizens she grew to enjoy the praise and smiles on their faces. Danessa made a decision to continue taking on anything that can help someone out and traveling to many different places in hopes someone might find her familiar, or she could regain her memories.After a decade of doing whatever came her way and finding herself in too many situations to speak of she's gotten very comfortable speaking to others, but can be a bit too forward as the many social customs she has learned have blended together after so long, so Danessa just does her best to be polite and not offend.The first time you meet Danessa you might be very shocked at what she has done and where she has been, but as you get to know her these strange occurrences seem to be much more commonplace for someone like her. It would not be unusual to find her fishing in Ultima Thule one day and fighting in the Arcadion the next. She is quick to help out anyone in need no matter what the request is, but since she isn't very good at one thing she ends up relying on the help of the many people she has met.

OOC: new to rping i normally just do raids and completionist type content